Beavatástörténet az erdélyi diktatúrába avagy drámapedagógiai módszerek a múlt feltárásában


  • Etelka Bálint (Kusztos) University of Arts, Tîrgu-Mureş




Introduction to the History of the Dictatorship in Transylvania, or Dramatic Pedagogical Methods in Exploring the Past

In 2017, a six-month project was implemented in Târgu Mureș, where one can find a Hungarian-speaking independent institution of higher education for actors in Romania. The project was carried out with the support of the National Cooperation Fund, the Studium Foundation and the Bethlen Gábor Fund. The Roundtable Theater Education Center, together with the sophomore students in the fields of directing and theater at the University of Arts, organized a complex Theater in Education presentation, preceded by a training course in Drama Teaching. This was the first such initiative in the history of the institution, and it was in fact the final exam task.
György Dragomán's bestseller, “The White King” (2005), was processed by the Kerekasztal Színházi Nevelési Központ together with the students of the University of Arts in Târgu Mureş. During the show, the youngsters were not just spectators but also creative participants in the theater event. My analysis is about a specific performance that took place in Târgu Mureș in February 2017 in a classroom of the University of Arts.
Within the context of communism, within the story of the suffering of parents and grandparents, it explores the issue of adulthood, which is always relevant to students. What makes an adult an adult? What to give up and what to keep?


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How to Cite

Bálint (Kusztos), E. (2021) “Beavatástörténet az erdélyi diktatúrába avagy drámapedagógiai módszerek a múlt feltárásában”, Symbolon, 21, pp. 14–26. Available at: (Accessed: 22 January 2025).