Le personnel dans le polar de Jean-Marc Martel. Cas de (Le Justicier et Justice Maudite)


  • Tarik Abou Soughaire Université de l'Azhar


characters, detective


Characters in Jean-Marc Martel’s thriller. Case of (The Justice and Cursed Justice)
To approach the characters in the black detective novel is to embark on a vast phase since there are many of them. By its very nature, the thriller evokes characters and backgrounds of great diversity. This romantic genre is characterized not only by the hybridity of the structure, but also by the multiplicity of its characters. Insofar as the plot of the thriller is articulated around crimes, whether they are crimes of curiosity or those of suspense, some theorists, of whom Marc Lits who connects this genre to the presence of three poles: criminal, victim and detective. Around these poles, all combinations can then occur. We criticize this theory for classifying the characters on the basis of their roles without taking into account the transformations that may strike them during the story. So, we adopt here the semiological theory of Philippe Hamon. This theorist refutes to consider the character as a human person, but rather as a sign composed of linguistic signs. This means that the character could be identified from a set of signifiers prevalent in the given text such as name, age, physique, psychological, dress, biography, etc.


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• Webographie :





http://www.marieclairemaison.com/,la-signification-des-couleurs-le-noir-et-leblanc,524900. asp.




How to Cite

Abou Soughaire, T. (2021) “Le personnel dans le polar de Jean-Marc Martel. Cas de (Le Justicier et Justice Maudite)”, Symbolon, 21(2 (39), pp. 179–221. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/304 (Accessed: 22 January 2025).


