Relația dintre publicitatea online și amplificarea comportamentelor narcisiste la tineri


  • Angela Precup





The Relationship Between the Online Advertising and the Growth of Narcissistic Behaviours in Youth
Cyberpsychology analyzed, since the beginning of the 90s, human behaviour in the digital environment and emphasized a few defining effects of this behaviour, such as the online anonymity effect, related to the online uninhibited effect or the online escalation effect. (Aiken 2019, 13) Analyzed from this perspective, online narcissism, exacerbated by the intense social media usage during the Covid-19 pandemic, is a behaviour amplified in the digital environment, compared to its dimensions in the real life. The specialists underline that individuals who use social media excessively develop narcissistic tendencies, and the young manifest oppositional behaviours, aggressive and anxious tendencies, being the most vulnerable category of the online public. The article analyses the relationship between online publicity and the amplification of narcissistic behaviours in young users, using as a case study the campaign #TheSelfieTalk, launched by the brand DOVE in the spring of 2021, as a communication programme meant to fight the young girls’ vulnerability in social media.


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How to Cite

Precup, A. (2023) “Relația dintre publicitatea online și amplificarea comportamentelor narcisiste la tineri”, Symbolon, 23(2(43), pp. 19–29. doi: 10.46522/S.2022.02.2.




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