Comunicare interpersonală. Dinamica relației profesor-student post pandemie


  • Cristina Maria Olar


Mots-clés :

education, art, motivation, communication, inner resources


Interpersonal Communication. Teacher-student Relationship Dynamics Post-PandemicThe research is based on an analysis of the dynamics of the post-pandemic teacher-student relationship and the impact that online courses have had on the emotional, psychological and physical levels. This study is a personal analysis from the perspective of the teacher, on the type of relationship with students and the changes that have occurred in teaching, and communication with them. The experience of teaching online has caused changes in everyone's behavior and attitude. Both teachers and students have encountered technological, educational and emotional difficulties.


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Comment citer

Olar , C. M. . (2023) « Comunicare interpersonală. Dinamica relației profesor-student post pandemie », Symbolon, 24, p. 17–26. doi: 10.46522/S.2023.S2.3.