Autocunoaștere și dezvoltare personală prin arta dansului. Metode și tehnici de relaționare cu tine însuți


  • Cristina Maria Olar University of Arts, Tîrgu-Mureş


education, art


Self-knowledge and Personal Development Through the Art of Dance. Methods and Techniques of Relating to Yourself

My research focused on the importance of art in general and dance art in particular, in the development of people. The present article aims to illustrate the specific ways in which art can improve the way of thinking about yourself. Through art we connect to another reality that stems from within us. Dance contributes, through its many benefits, to the self-knowledge of the individual in physical, mental and emotional terms. A symbiosis is created between these three plans. I have tried to understand and discover how students, people, can overcome themselves and adapt to social needs by accessing art. We have analyzed the therapeutic effects of dancing on the individual and the importance of art in self-knowledge and the relationship with other individuals. As a teacher, I was attracted to this aspect of dance even more to the discovery of new valences in what concerns the positive effects that it can have in the work dedicated to students, or people who have been introduced to art.


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How to Cite

Olar, C. M. (2021) “Autocunoaștere și dezvoltare personală prin arta dansului. Metode și tehnici de relaționare cu tine însuți”, Symbolon, 21, pp. 74–81. Available at: (Accessed: 22 January 2025).