Theatre Criticism as Living Archives


  • Miruna Runcan National University of Theatre and Film "I.L.Caragiale"
  • Camelia Oană (tr.)


theatre directing


The Romanian theatre milieu is traditionally disrespectful, or, at least, not respectful enough, towards its own history. What better examples for such a brutal statement but the fact that the last edition of an official (edited by the Romanian Academy) History of Romanian Theatre dates back to 1973, and the Contemporary Romanian Theatre collective research, dedicated to the interval 1944-1974, published in 1975, was never followed by at least one similar project? We have never had a National Museum of Theatre, and the invaluable treasures of the former museums of the Bucharest National Theatre or Iasi National Theatre are hardly exhibited (Iasi) or stored in improper conditions and securely hidden from the public access (Bucharest). Historical researches are the subject of consensual disregard and pauperization – both by the so-called cultural authorities and national research programs and funds.

In this sad and depressing landscape, this paper aims at proving that theatre criticism – reviews, essays, surveys, interviews - can offer a rich and relevant archival dimension and vivid documentary material for re-imagining and revisiting famous theatre performances – in terms of directorial visions, spectacular visual and sound spaces and legendary acting.


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Hogyan kell idézni

Runcan, M. és Oană (tr.), C. (2020) „Theatre Criticism as Living Archives”, Symbolon, 20(2(37), o. 7–24. Elérhető: (Elérés: 22 július 2024).

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