Térnyerés. A színházi élet online formáiról
Cuvinte cheie:
Gaining Ground. On the Online Forms of Theatre
The unrecordability of theatre, as well as its ability to redefine itself, is shown by the fact that theatrical activity did not stop during the pandemic period, while losing space in its traditional form, the theatrical auditorium. However, the pandemic period was also ground for development: the experience of the past year suggests that theatrical production in the online space seems to be reorganized mainly by independent creators, and stone theatre companies have also become increasingly visible to the virtual audience. Online streaming does not narrow the number of live audiences, but rather increases them, specifically by releasing production to the virtual world. There is likely to be a demand for the stream and, due to the factor mentioned above, there is an intention even after the restrictions have been lifted, so that the two forms of appearance can coexist, which at best do not replace but complement each other.
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Kulturális híradó, Erdély Tv, 2020.12.15. www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SOAdybEzEs (utolsó letöltés: 2021.04.21)
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BORDÁS Katinka, 2021, Csikász Ágnes és Nagy Zsombor, 03.12. https://www. juranyihaz.hu/hu/hir/csikasz-agnes-es-nagy-zsombor (utolsó letöltés: 2021.04.10)
Dogma filmek, 2021, Le Parisien, http://dictionnaire.sensagent.leparisien. fr/Dogma_filmek/hu-hu/ (utolsó letöltés: 2021.04.19)
KUTSZEGI Csaba, 2021, Miért nem születtem Belgiumban? Dunszt, január 23. https://dunszt.sk/2021/01/23/miert-nem-szulettem-belgiumban/ (utolsó letöltés: 2021.04.21)
LAKATOS Róbert, 2001, Filmiskola 7.: Plánok, látószögek, nézőpontok. Filmtett Erdélyi Filmes Portál, 01.15. https://www.filmtett.ro/cikk/532/filmiskola-planok-latoszogek-nezopontok-technikai-kifejezoeszkozok-1/ (utolsó letöltés: 2021.03.27.).
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