Primele școli de teatru în limba română. Menirea teatrului în educație
Cuvinte cheie:
actors; students; education; the art; schoolRezumat
The First Theatre Schools in Romanian.The Theatre's Mission in Education
Art was included in the educational system as an important component even from Antiquity. It remains until now a tool always exciting and challenging in the evolution of mankind. Young people, fond of this way of expressing, find theatre one of the major and influential institutions that can shape their minds. The dramaturgy for children, as well as the performances, could have one of the most powerful impacts over their feelings, emotions and moral values and believes, over their imagination, esthetical taste and their character in development. All the theatre performances, especially those presented by learners coming from private schools, had stimulated the students and learners’ interest in theatre and the occurrence of performances in the Romanian language. The advantages of educating through theatre had three major aspects connected to learners’ personalities such as: social, individual and linguistic. Education through theatre pursues the changing of the learner, not necessarily into a young actor, but into a good spectator, raising their interests for the stage, for what is happening behind the curtains, the respect for the actor and love for theatre.
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