A mesterséges választása – határpillanat a zene történetében
natural/artificial duality, artificial intelligence, obstacles, perspectiveAbsztrakt
Choosing the Artificial – a Defining Moment in the History of Music
Viewed from above, that is, looking from a historical standpoint, the natural/artificial duality has long been present in various cultures. Their proportion varies, sometimes one takes the lead, sometimes the other is recalled to restore a kind of balance, a straight direction. Beyond these observations and with the benefit of historical distance, it is worth reflecting on and pinpointing which one of them, when, and how it contributed to progress, opened new perspectives, or posed obstacles in unfolding processes. Our examination puts a few hypotheses on the table and scrutinizes aspects related to music, be it sound systems, artistic concepts, the creative process, the relationship between science and the arts, or the field of interpretation and reproduction – all of this, of course, with the aim of leading to a realization that either validates or challenges the legitimacy of using artificial intelligence in the art of sound.
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