A mesterséges intelligencia hatása a fotográfiára
https://doi.org/10.46522/S.2024.02.8Cuvinte cheie:
photography, AI photography, human creativity, artificial intelligence ingenuity, AIRezumat
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Photography
Nowadays, artificial intelligence has been present in many fields, including photography, for quite some time. The wider public only noticed the phenomenon and its consequences later. It would be important to start a dialogue about the phenomenon as soon as possible.
How is artificial intelligence transforming photography? Artificial intelligence is a transformative force that makes photography easier and more exciting, but the question is whether artificial intelligence is a boon or a potential threat to photography. I will examine how artificial intelligence is improving photography, how this type of photography is changing the world, and what its evolution is. Many already believe that AI-generated or AI-assisted photos should be tagged to preserve transparency and traditional photography. Others say it limits artistic freedom.
Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool that can be used for good or for bad purposes, just like any other tool. We must be aware of the potential problems of artificial intelligence and photography and take precautions to ensure that AI photography is used appropriately and ethically. Artificial intelligence continues to develop and, in the future, has the potential to make photography easier, more fun, and accessible to everyone. The future of photography is an exciting mix of human creativity and artificial intelligence ingenuity. Artificial intelligence and photography are no longer separate entities, but partners in a visual storytelling adventure.
ANON, é.n. How Artificial Intelligence is transforming Photography? [online]. [Letöltés időpontja: 2024.03.15.]. Elérhető: AI Photography: How AI is transforming Photography? (spyne.ai)
SZABÓ, B., 2023. Nevezhető fényképnek a mesterséges intelligencia által létrehozott kép? [online]. [Letöltés időpontja: 2024.03.21.]. Elérhető: https://punkt.hu/2023/04/25/nevezheto-fenykepnek-a-mesterseges-intelligencia-altal-letrehozott-kep/.
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