Művészi önéletrajz régen és ma a koncertszervező szemszögéből
Artistic Autobiography in the Past and Present From the Concert Promoter’s Point of View
An autobiography, even if it is a professional CV, in our case, written by an artist, is indisputably a self-image made public by the author about him/herself. In certain cases it is shared directly through the author’s own webpage with the interested public, in other cases, information about the artist reaches the music-loving audience filtered by the concert organizer in accordance with its interests or through its own subjective viewpoint.
Narrowing the circle, let’s place as the main object of our investigations the text with the information about the artist, which appears in the concert guide. First of all, what its the base for the information? Are there any supporting documents? Can we check whether the data presented by the musician about him/herself is accurate? Is a concert promoter entitled to override this information to a certain extent? People who lack the experience, concerning the last question, probably would be concerned by the protection of the performing artist’s personal rights. But the experience will set quick limits for the shaping and even for the content.
The musicologist will draw a very short historical background and the music secretary wishes to share some interesting professional secrets on this topic.
BARTÓK, Béla, 1956. Válogatott írások (1956), Budapest, Művelt Nép Tudományos és Ismeretterjesztő Kiadó.
CZIFFRA, György, 2015. Ágyúk és virágok, Budapest, Magyar Közlöny Lap- és Könyvkiadó Kft.
KAHN, Albert E., 1973. Öröm és bánat. Pablo Casals emlékei, Budapest, Zeneműkiadó.
LENDVAI, Ernő, 1993. Bartók dramaturgiája, Budapest, Akkord Kiadó.
MONSAINGEON, Bruno, 2003. Richter. Írások, beszélgetések, Budapest, Holnap Kiadó.
TELEMANN, Georg Philipp, 1995. Curriculum vitae. Három önéletrajz, Budapest, Helikon Könyvkiadó.
WOLFF, Christoph, 2004. Johann Sebastian Bach. A tudós zeneszerző, Budapest, Park Kiadó.
CSIFFÁRY, Gabriella, 2002, Az önéletírás régen és ma… Elérhető: http://www.csiffary.extra.hu/tanulmany.htm (2018.04.31.)
AJÁNLÓ, 2017. Elérhető: https://www.libri.hu/konyv/cziffra_gyorgy.agyuk-es-viragok-1.html (2018.04.31.)
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