Virtuális tömegek bölcsességén innen és túl


  • Gergő Prazsák Eötvös Lóránd University of Sciences, Budapest


new knowledge


Beyond the Wisdom of Virtual Masses

In our last year’s paper, we briefly pointed at the central element of the psychological and social changes caused by new information devices, namely the new knowledge.
This paper presents the metamorphosis of knowledge, emphasizing the operation of mass knowledge production systems (Wikipedia). We examine the means through which wisdom overcomes the stupidity of virtual masses.
The presentation cannot disregard the new knowledge produced by Big Data devices, strongly connected to the evolution of artificial intelligence. The question arises: can we talk about a sort of „Ding an sich” knowledge, produced and existing independently from humans?


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How to Cite

Prazsák, G. (2020) “Virtuális tömegek bölcsességén innen és túl”, Symbolon, 18(1(32), pp. 5–16. Available at: (Accessed: 3 January 2025).


