La narration autothanatographique dans « Tropique de la violence » de Nathacha Appanah


  • Tarik Abou Soughaire Université de l'Azhar





Autothanatographic Narration in Nathacha Appanah’s "Tropic of Violence"
"Treating the theme of death in such and such a fiction undoubtedly represents an archaic, recurrent subject that has already been addressed in the literature. What about when the narration is entrusted to a dead character? It is by this narratological modality that Nathacha Appanah built her novel entitled ""Tropic of violence"". The importance of this work is reflected in the fact that the author highlights a new poetics of narratology: ""to make a dead man speak"". In this context, it is not the words of the deceased which are reported by a living character, but the deceased himself takes charge of the narration while recounting an action specific to him, or events concerning other subjects in fiction.
Our problematic aims to treat the Autothanatographic Narration in this novel distinguished by the alternation of the narrative voices and the diversity of the perspectives. Our essential objective is to implement a kind of applied narratology since we will try to approach what is called autothanatographic narration, to highlight its different criteria, to demonstrate to what extent it has effects on the other constituents of the diegesis, as well as on the voices telling."


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How to Cite

Abou Soughaire, T. (2021) “La narration autothanatographique dans « Tropique de la violence » de Nathacha Appanah”, Symbolon, 22(1 (40), pp. 195–216. doi: 10.46522/S.2021.01.17.