Okostelefon és iskola az erdélyi tanárok szemszögéből


  • Krisztina Iringó Vargancsik-Thörik University of Arts Târgu Mureș




Smartphone and School from Transylvanian Teachers’ Point of View
Although it is largely forbidden or very regulated to use it in school, recent research has revealed that the smartphone is the most commonly used tool among young people in Transylvania (on average 6 hours a day) for both socializing and learning. Do teachers use the smartphone to prepare lessons, encourage students to use them for group or project activities, guide them on how to use it?
164 teachers from Transylvanian schools, teaching in grades V-VIII and IX-XII participated in our research and helped us discover the place of smartphones in education: the fields of application in preparation for school and during the school activities, in communicating with students, and monitoring their performance.


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How to Cite

Vargancsik-Thörik, K. I. (2020) “Okostelefon és iskola az erdélyi tanárok szemszögéből”, Symbolon, 20(1(36), pp. 89–101. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/146 (Accessed: 10 September 2024).




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