Okostelefon a családban – mennyire járulunk hozzá szülőként gyermekeink médián keresztüli manipulációjához


  • Krisztina Iringó Vargancsik-Thörik University of Arts Târgu Mureș




Smartphone in the Family – How Much We as Parents Contribute to the Manipulation of Our Children Through Media
Nowadays, smartphones interweave family life. Affordable prices, easy access, expanding network coverage, and more and more practical applications make them a must-have in everyday life. Not only do adults use the smartphone, but also their children do so, often every family member has a device. From a very young age, it starts to be used for entertaining children, and then, from the first years of school, to keep them connected to parents. This way, they become independent users at a very early age, and this also entails risks and the possibility of media manipulation that parents are not always aware of. We asked more than 300 Transylvanian parents about the place of smartphones in their families and examined their awareness of regulating their children on the use of these devices.


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How to Cite

Vargancsik-Thörik, K. I. (2021) “Okostelefon a családban – mennyire járulunk hozzá szülőként gyermekeink médián keresztüli manipulációjához”, Symbolon, 22(2 (41), pp. 41–60. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/268 (Accessed: 22 January 2025).


