Játékos zenetanulás az általános iskolában


  • Csilla Benedek University of Arts Târgu Mureș


music teaching


Music Learning by Playing in the Middle School

When I decided to write this paper I was a music teacher for 4 years. I felt, that I have to change the methods which I was using before and the construction of the lesson because I felt that those things are not good. I felt this because there were lessons when the students wrote a lot instead of singing. Basically, this willingness to change was the fundamental thought to write this paper. Besides writing about teaching music in school, I have chosen some lessons from the 5-8 grades and these lessons were explained in my way: what kind of methods and games I use to enhance learning. Besides this fact, I explain basically how I teach and which are the things for which the students get marks. In the end, I attached all the test papers and some photos from the activities.


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How to Cite

Benedek, C. (2018) “Játékos zenetanulás az általános iskolában”, Symbolon, 19, pp. 18–31. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/66 (Accessed: 11 February 2025).