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public agendaRezumat
The Disappearance of Public Agenda and the Mass Society
Nowadays, a large number of expert opinions are firmly stating that new communication technologies and the media that are under their influence will lead to one-sided orientation habits, creating a plethora of information bubbles, the existence of which greatly hinders the emergence of a well-defined, clear public agenda. Therefore, the public agenda in the classical sense can no longer be defined, shaped or built, and consequently, politics, public life have to deal with more and more distinctly separate, one-to-one agendas, for which it is becoming increasingly difficult to propose and submit topics. Fragmentation of the integrated agenda of the classical media structure increasingly results in the media consumer having less and less decision-making information, making bad decisions for himself (too), resulting in his views gradually radicalizing and ultimately favoring, supporting, and demanding mostly unfounded, populist, and autocratic solutions. Consequently, the evolved paradigm of digital alphabetization might ultimately lead us all to the mass society resulting from the complete eradication of civilian publicity.
BRIGHT, Jonathan, 2017, Explaining the Emergence of Echo Chambers on Social Media: The Role of Ideology and Extremism. SSRN, March 10, DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2839728.
CS. GYIMESI Éva, 2009, Szem a láncban. Bevezetés a szekusdossziék hermeneutikájába. Kolozsvár, Komp-Press Kiadó.
DAHLBERG, Lincoln, 2007, Rethinking the fragmentation of the cyberpublic: from consensus to contestation. New Media Society, 9.
DAHLGREN, Peter, 2018, Media, Knowledge and Trust: The Deepening Epistemic Crisis of Democracy. Javnost ‒ The Public, 25, DOI: 10.1080/13183222.2018.1418819.
FRISS, Róbert és John Lukacs, 2013, Nem látok sok úri felfogást a mai magyar politikában. Népszabadság [Budapest], május 26.
HABERMAS, Jürgen, 1991, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society. [Darmstadt, Luchterhand, 1962.] Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press.
van DIJCK, José és POELL, Thomas, 2015, Social Media and the Transformation of Public Space. Social Media + Society, July-December 1–5, DOI: 10.1177/2056305115622482;.
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