A közösségi média hatása a kommunikációs csatornákra
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communication channelsRezumat
The Impact of Social Media on Communication Channels
Although the mechanisms of emotional alignment also work in the online space, it cannot be stated that a real community comes into existence. This is due to the fact that there are no common social activities, common beliefs, and lasting commitments. The functions of communication channels that allow a connection between the communicating parties are re-evaluated: inaccurately formulated emotions, with only a limited vocabulary, cause misunderstandings. In the case of communication with voice, the vocal channel does not make the message authentic, metacommunication is more and more rudimentary, uninterpretable. The lack of face-to-face communication results in loss of control. Critical thinking and self-reflexion take a back seat, and un-inhibition and shallowness come into the limelight.
PRENSKY, Mark, 2001. On the Horizon. NCB University Press, Vol. 9, No. 5.
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