Kollektív alkotás vagy a demokrácia egyik értelmezése a XX. század zenéjében
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democracy in musitRezumat
Collective Creation or an Interpretation of Democracy in the 20th Century’s Music
If in the 1960s the practice of collective creation appeared in British theater, it can be said that music in the twentieth century was overwhelmed by such related procedures. It should not only be examined whether time-shifts are shown or this kind of manifestations concur in the two arts, but also in how many ways and proportions is this principle expressed in the music literature of the century. Of course, this should be supported by specific musical works, by pointing out the composers who promulgate or apply the principle. In the field of theatre and music beside the parallels discovered in this subject, the phenomenon called ‘instrumental theatre’ as well can be regarded as a direct hit, a kind of synthesis genre.
BOULEZ Pierre, [s.a.]. Trosieme sonate pour piano. Universal Edition, 13292.
CAGE, John, 1958. Fontana Mix. Peters Edition, EP 6712.
KAGEL, Mauricio. 2011, Dressur [online]. [Letöltés időpontja: 2018. október 4.] Elérhető: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYo5QlkK-Eg
SCHNEBEL, Dieter, 2011. Maulwerke & early recordings 1988-1999 [online]. [Letöltés időpontja: 2018. október 4.] Elérhető: https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=voicNOqDjt8
SCHNEBEL, Dieter, [s.a.]. Atemzüge. In SCHNEBEL, Dieter. Maulwerke für Artikulationsorgane und Reproduktionsgeräte. Schott.
STOCKHAUSEN, Karlheinz, 1960. Zyklus. London: Universal Edition.
STOCKHAUSEN, Karlheinz, 2015. Herbstmusik, [online]. [Letöltés időpontja: 2018. október 4.] Elérhető: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuKqqmwygEc
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