Cum a transformat pandemia artele?
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How has the Pandemic Transformed Arts
2020 was a difficult year for all the artists as well as for the audience. The artists were forced to bring masks on stage that they would never have wanted. Many art creators have moved their shows online. The public was also affected by all this madness. The people stayed at home and paid tickets online for shows broadcasted online. For many theater makers, preserving a palpable sense of liveness was paramount in adapting a theatri-cal project for a digital medium. Plays and monologues on Zoom about lockdown life had most appreciated on the virtual space. Online plays had a lot of success in most of the countries. Some digital productions had shown impresive formal originality – such as Belarus Free Theatre’s experimental Zoom show “A School of Fools”. The conversation and subject matter has focused on the pandemic lifestyle. Many creators, however, got most excited by projects that brought theater to the digital space in unprecedented ways. Theatre has of-fered us comfort, provocation and entertainment.
BĂLĂȘOIU, Florentina, 2020. Pandemia le-a redeschis românilor apetitul pentru lectură. Disponibil la [accesat la 04.02.2021].
EKPU, Grace, 2020. Life after my viral ballet video got me a scholarship - BBC Africa. Disponibil la [accesat la 19.02.2021].
LEHMEIR, Robert, 2021. Artă și cultură – Lumea de mâine. Disponibil la [accesat la 10.02.2021]
PÂRVU, Dan, 2020. Oana Marinescu, Director de comunicare al Concursului și festivalului internațional George Enescu. Disponibil la [accesat la 21.02.2021].
VIȘNIEC, Matei, 2021. Andrei Șerban, regizor: Eu simt un aer de nebuloasă finală a lumii pe care o știam. Disponibil la [accesat la 26.02.2021].
VORNICU, Andrei, 2021 Interviu Theodor Cristian Popescu: În fața laptopului nu poți parcurge experiența teatrală. Disponibil la [accesat la 05.02.2021].
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